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Mountain Ridge

Lies of Omission
(2017 and re-cut 2022)

Lies of Omission is a documentary on The United States current and past political climate.  Focused around a group of people who call themselves the 'III%' (three percent). The state of the nation has led many of them to believe the freedoms of America are ceasing to exist.

Rough Surface

WAKE (2016)

WAKE is a directing project with the talented cinematographer, Ryan Murray, who worked on Inner Demons with me. WAKE received BEST EDITING and AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD at the 2016 Vanguard Communication Gala and Film Festival.
SYNOPSIS: Laura has decided to leave her abusive boyfriend, but finds herself trapped reliving the same morning over and over again. Will she be able to break free from her demons?

Cute Bunny

Alice (2014)

This was a short film that I wrote in a course at my University in 2013. Kylie Cagel wanted to pick up the project. Together with our producer, Kezhia Rodrigez, the short was produced in 2014. 'Alice' was entered in film festivals such as Magill Film Festival, Temecula Film Festival, and Entertainment First Film Festival in Las Vegas. It was the first actual directing/writing film project I had ever done professionally. Alice is much like all of us who face diversity at a young age. We don't always know why we were picked out, but overcoming it makes us stronger.
SYNOPSIS: Alice is a young girl who is trapped in her own silent 'Wonderland'. The challenges she faces daily threaten her individuality and creativity.

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